Thursday, 26 September 2013

And I think of all the love that is here with me (Free Download)

"And I think of all the love that is here with me"

Swedish musician and writer Kristian Gidlund passed away last week, 29 years old (see blog post below). Struggling with cancer the last years, he wrote a blog called 'I kroppen min' (In my body), describing his slow decay, his fears, his hopes. And it's one of the most beautiful texts I have read.

This song is for Kristian.

Please download it for free and share it with someone suffering from a severe illness.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Kristian Gidlund 1983-2013

Kristian Gidlund, swedish musician and writer, passed away a week ago. He died from cancer at the age of 29. I didn't know him, but his blog about the last year's struggles have been a regular reading for me (and many others) for some time now. I will miss his writing very much. Here is a short excerpt translated to english, written by Kristian as a letter to the child he will never have:

The most beautiful, wonderful child. We will never meet. But I love you anyway. I have from the first time I came to think of you. I’ve missed you since. Missed holding you. Sharing secrets. Laughing and crying. Playing on summer meadows and running through storms. We’d probably talk a lot, even if initially I would do most of the babbling. We would talk about everything. In a borderless fashion. I hope, anyway. I would listen to your conclusions – amazing ones – and I would lose my breath over how you use your senses. Because I know that you would be a magical child. I would do my best to answer your questions and listen to your concerns, and I know you would do the same for me. I would encourage you to try things yourself. Because you do can more than you think. Never forget that. And if someone says something is impossible: listen up. That’s when you should use the primordial force that is in your chest. You have great things ahead of you. Don’t think otherwise. 

I will miss you dearly Kristian, though your writing will stay with me as long as I live.

If you want to read more, you can always try google translate with his blog, but the more poetic dimension of his writing probably won't translate very well.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Remain in Doubt - Free Download on Bandcamp!

I remixed the song Remain in Doubt from my debut album, and thought you might enjoy a free download to start the blog!

Why this blog?

This will be the main page for my ambient music solo project Imi Fal! I will post my new songs here, my videos and occasional free downloads. I hope you'll enjoy!